Membership & Stewardship

Christian Stewardship is not about simply paying dues. It is not a sense of obligation or a club membership. Christian Stewardship is a response of worship in giving back a portion of the gifts God has given us. In love we return His blessings back to Him; knowing full well that He will always provide when we put our trust in Him.

We are reminded that God is our sole provider. God is the One that provided for Abraham, sparing the sacrifice of his son Isaac, by supplying a ram for the offering. Being the King of all creation, Our Heavenly Father lovingly withholds nothing from us.

God's ability to utilize and multiply His gifts are not limited by human conceptions, and it should be known that He desires a sacrifice of praise before all else. We are called to love our parish and make it our spiritual home.

Stewardship can also mean rendering one's time to the parish. Often we think of a tithe or an offering as only a portion of our monetary income, but that could not be farther from truth. God desires much more of us as His children. He desires us to serve Him with all of our gifts and our talents. Volunteering our time for the Greek Festival, our various local, national and international ministries or upkeep of the church are all excellent examples of worship in action.

Making a pledge is encouraged for members. We give from our wealth, and also from our poverty and we should be as faithful to Christ as He is to His bride: the Church. God desires a cheerful giver who above all else gives out of adoration. When one gives discreetly amongst people, they have their reward with God.